As I mentioned in a previous post, I got clipless pedals and mountain biking shoes for Christmas. I have ridden with them a couple of times now and am still trying to get used to being attached to my bike. This morning I only fell once, which is an improvement over a couple of days ago, when I fell twice. When I fell this morning, I wasn't able to disengage from the pedals, so when I fell and rolled on my back, my legs were up in the air and so was my bike! That was weird to see.
My problem seems to be while climbing steep hills, I lose momentum and don't release from the pedals fast enough when I come to a stop on the hill. As I explained to Mel after my ride this morning, I haven't gotten used to the pedals to where getting in and out is second nature and instinct. When you have to think about it, it's too late.
The new pedals give a whole different perspective to my regular routine ride. Sections of the trail that were pretty easy before, now require concentration and more focus on timing and technique. I was pretty proud of myself though, because I went down a rocky decline that I was avoiding the other day.
I came upon the drop and picked a line to follow. I then lowered my seat to drop my center of gravity and to make it easier for me to ride behind the seat and over the wheel, literally riding above the rear tire.
I backed up a few yards and mounted the bike, clipping into the pedals as I began the descent. Once I reached the rocks, I literally hung on for dear life, trying not to let my butt hit the back tire. Once I reached the bottom of the hill, I was able to move back onto the seat and continue my ride.
Even though the trail may not seem that technical to some, it is very important to me to face my fears head on when possible. Now don't be fooled, I am not a daredevil with a death wish; I know my own limitations. I just get very determined when I know something is within my physical abilities, but a mental block is keeping me from accomplishing it. Small victories.
Anyway, I rode an hour and a half this morning, so I am close to where I was three weeks ago. It is amazing how much you can regress from not riding at least weekly. Mel and Cindy got me some cold weather gear for Christmas (shirts, jacket, etc) so I can ride comfortably in the cold of winter.
Well, tomorrow it's off to the Alamo Bowl; I am looking forward to having a good time and hopefully seeing a good game!