Sunday, March 23, 2008


Mom decided to come down to San Antonio for a visit this weekend! David had to go to Arizona to learn how to weld his bike frames, so Mom decided to fly in for the weekend. We have totally enjoyed her visit.

After picking her up at the airport Friday, we made a short stop at HEB for some dinner fixins. Once Mel got off work, I grilled us up some steak filets wrapped in bacon. Coupled with some roasted new potatoes, salad, and a glass of wine, and we were happier than pigs in slop.

Yesterday after my two hour bike ride at McAllister, we had breakfast then Mom and I decided to drive downtown to see what trouble we could get into. We stopped in the King William district, strolled along the algae filled San Antonio River, then walked through the King William neighborhood and looked at the old Victorian houses.

After that, we stopped by the McNay Museum of Art (Mel's work), and I showed Mom the new wing they are adding. The walk through the grounds was wonderful, as it was a beautiful day. By that time we were tired, so we came back home and waited for Mel. After a quick shower, we picked Cindy up and had dinner at Los Cucos.
Today, after a leisurely morning of coffee, scones, and reading the paper, Mom and I decided to take a walk at Mud Creek park which is a quick five minute drive from the house. I've been wanting to ride the trails there, but had never seen the park, so Mom and I decided to scope it out.
It is a very scenic walk past a dam and into the bottom of a canyon, which is lined with houses. It is amazing that so much is hidden from the road, but it was really beautiful. After about an hour's walk, we decided to head back home and shower.

Mel, Mom, Cindy, and I will have a quiet day at home and enjoy some chicken salad sandwiches (their family tradition), then grill some fajitas and have a couple of beers (my tradition). So HAPPY EASTER to all. I hope the holiday finds you well and happy!

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