Sunday, October 19, 2008


Although I rode quite a bit Friday, I decided to ride again this morning. It seems to help my stamina when I ride more than once a week, so I didn't want to lose any momentum. I have to admit, I almost talked myself out of riding this morning, but I ignored the voices.

I decided to head out to O.P. Schnabel and hit the trail a little before 9 AM. It was a BEAUTIFUL morning, with a little nip in the air. It was cool enough that I dressed in layers, with a long sleeve undershirt under my regular shirt. An hour into the ride, it had warmed up enough for me to take off the undershirt.

There were a few bikers and hikers on the trail, but not too bad. The ones I came across were very friendly, which was a nice change from usual. I ultimately rode 12.6 miles in around an hour and a half. Hopefully I can keep up my momentum for another try at Government Canyon next month.

Now it's time to rest up before we head to Austin to see Bert!

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