Sunday, February 24, 2008


After skipping last week's weigh in, I wasn't sure what to expect Saturday. Last weekend I dipped into my activity points as well as the weekly points allowance, so I didn't expect that I would lose much, if any at all.

I was able to work out twice this week despite having several meetings and mini-crises at work (see a pattern here?). Saturday morning I decided to skip the gym to wash and wax my truck before weigh in instead. It was a cool morning, so I didn't sweat as much as usual, adding to my trepidation.

As I stepped on the scale, I bit my lower lip in anticipation. When Kelly the WW clerk nodded and said "good job", I knew I hadn't gained weight. When I got my weigh in card, I noticed that I was FINALLY below 230 lbs (229), but my total weight loss for the week was only .6 pounds; I was hoping for more. This week I got off to a good start, as I didn't drink all my bonus allowance points yesterday (I did put a dent in them though).

This morning I headed to McAllister Park for my weekly ride. The sun was shining and the temperature was in the 60s. I left the house by 8:15 AM, hoping to beat the crowds; no such luck. I was tripping over people on the trails, both walkers and bikers. After a couple of hours, I grew bored with the ride and decided to come home to help Mel clean the house.

I think it's time to hit another trail for a change of scenery. After riding McAllister frontwards and backwards, I need a change of pace. I am seriously considering heading back out to Government Canyon despite my poor showing last September. If I do, I'll be sure to pack my inhaler, as I will be a bunch of climbing. Oh well, at least it will be a good indicator to see how much more I have to work on my stamina. Until then....

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