Sunday, January 4, 2009


It was a respectable ride, my first in over three weeks. I was apprehensive, as I questioned my riding stamina, untested in so long. This morning was windy and chilly, a cold front having moved through 12 hours earlier than forecasters predicted. I can ride in cold weather, but I hate riding in the wind. Fortunately, the woods and brush served as a great wind break.

Overall, I rode almost 7.5 miles in an hour and 15 minutes, which as I said before, is a respectable start. There were several runners at McAllister park, but most got out of my way without incident. This was my first ride since Christmas and served as my first opportunity to try out my Garmin handheld GPS unit as well as my new Forte peg pedals.

It will take time for me to become totally familiar with the GPS unit, but it did allow me to track my ride this morning as you will see by the following picture. I was able to gain 6 activity points from my ride, so the benefits were twofold.

Now, after buying groceries with Mel, I am ready to settle into my recliner to watch today's NFL playoff games. I'll also be texting Matt as he makes his way back to Odessa from spending the week with Michael in Dallas.

I'd also like to give Stefanie a Happy Birthday shout out, as today is her birthday!


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